Sex Toy Review: Njoy Pure Plugs

As a gay man, I’m obviously no stranger to prostate pleasure. But hokey-baldheaded, did I find a new toy that’s forever changed the way I do bidnez in my butt!

Feast your eyes on the Njoy Pure Plugs!

Njoy Pure PlugsI gotta say, Njoy products rock in general. Love the quality, love the design. I’ve used their toys before. I even own a couple.

Quick highlights:

– 3 sizes: Small, Medium, and Biggie

– heavyweight

– polished stainless steel, which makes it easy to clean…AND SHARE!  And HEAT! Mmmmmmmmmmm…

Right about now you’re probably saying, Ya, ya, butt plugs, we’ve seen ’em before, blahblahblah. N-no, not like this, you haven’t. What makes this one a game-changer is the weight and its balance. This thing is heavy enough to add its own pressure to your g-spot, and the weight and curve ensure it sits directly on the bull’s eye. It does all the work while your hole reaps the rewards. I even slide it in before leaving home, secretly wearing it all day long while I’m out and about. It sure-as-fuck makes me feel super sexy while I chat with friends and colleagues and cashiers and bus drivers and even strangers who are no doubt wondering if I’ve just won the lottery.

I chose the smallest cuz that’s all I can handle at the moment (it’s the weight that makes the difference, not the girth) and will work my way up to biggie-size eventually.

A couple warnings:

  1. Did I mention it’s heavy? Trust me, you need to be conscious of that at all times, because the weight — along with the stainless steel — makes it VERY easy to drop. It’s like dropping a tire iron (yes, I dropped it once already.)
  2. Although the balanced weight is what makes it rock the prostate, it can alternately numb and dull it of pleasure if left in too long — that is, until you become a pro. Unless you’re a seasoned ass-whore, you might wanna pace yourself.

And as an extra bang for your buck, the heavy-head/handgrip combo makes it an excellent self-defense weapon for the long walk home on nights when the party ends late. But please Njoy wisely…

[button color=”red” link=”″ target=”_blank”]Order Njoy Pure Plugs Now[/button]

Be safe!

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